The code you entered appears to be invalid. If you have ensured the code was entered correctly
then unfortunately you may have a counterfeit product. Please email us a copy of your
order receipt and we will be happy to confirm if your product is authentic or fake.
We are very sorry you bought a counterfeit product somewhere on the internet.
As an incentive to help us track down rogue sellers, we would like to offer you a 50% discount on our entire range of health products.
Simply email us a copy of the order receipt you received from the fake seller, and we will email you back a 50% off coupon code that
can be used on any of our health websites.
Multiple entries indicate your product is very likely counterfeit.
As an incentive to help us track down rogue sellers, we would like to offer you a 50% discount on our entire
range of health products. Simply email us a copy of the order receipt you received from the fake seller,
and we will email you back a 50% off coupon code that can be used on any of our health websites.